Become an accredited facilitator

Sakura Programs is currently building its network of accredited program facilitators across Australia.

As an accredited facilitator you will be qualified to provide Sakura programs to clients and approved delivery sites including schools, sporting clubs and community groups.

Who can become an accredited facilitator?

People with the following qualifications are eligible to enrol in the facilitator accreditation program:

  • Bachelors degree in psychology, behavioural science or other three year equivalent program of study approved by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council.
  • Bachelors degree in teaching, education or similar program of study which meets the requirements for teacher registration with the teacher registration authority in your state or territory*
  • Bachelors degree in social work or similar program of study which meets membership requirements to the Australian Association of Social Workers.
  • Bachelors degree in nursing or similar program of study which meets registration requirements with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency.

The Board of Sakura Training and Accreditation Pty Ltd may at its sole discretion approve other qualifications as meeting the eligibility requirements.

To become an accredited Sakura Programs facilitator you must successfully complete three days of intensive face-to-face instruction.

We are currently working on our Facilitator Accreditation Training schedule for 2023.

*Where a state or territory does not have a teacher registration authority or educational requirements for teaching the requirements of the Queensland College of Teachers will apply

Facilitator Accreditation Course Application Form

Download the Facilitator Accreditation Training Course application and email it to Sakura Programs.

Are You Interested?

Register your interest to join one of our accreditation courses to become part of the Sakura team