Pre-teen programs

Children aged 10 – 12 years are growing in independence and peers become very important in a child’s development. Child who have a positive self-image and healthy friendships are more likely to make better life choices. A child’s cognitive development at this age allows them to think more logically, master more complex social situations, be able to problem solve and develop emotional regulation skills. Challenging and adverse events are likely to happen at this age with the onset of puberty, increased awareness of self-image, peer pressure and transitioning to high school.

Our pre-teen program gives children the skills they need to successfully navigate emerging adolescence and the transition to high school.



I can cope with life’s ups and downs


Communication Skills

I can talk to someone in a positive way


Problem Solving Skills

I can control my problems


Introduction to Romantic Relationships

I can have feelings towards someone special


Introduction to CBT

I can change my thoughts


Making and Keeping Positive Frendships

I can get along with my friends


Conflict Management

I can manage my problems with others



I can feel good about myself


Positive Self-Image

I can accept who I am


Emotional Intelligence

I can control my feelings


Online Safety and Cyberbullying

I can stay safe online


Mental Health Awareness

I can manage my feelings if they are really big

Why it works

The program has been designed by our psychologists and is based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) principles.

Decades of research has shown CBT to be effective in helping people to successfully navigate a range of life event.

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment, which builds resilience and fosters positive behaviours by changing how an individual views and responds to life’s challenges.

The primary goal of CBT is to help an individual to understand that although they cannot control everything that happens in their life, they can control how they see things and thus how they then behave.

The central premise of CBT is that thoughts influence feelings and in turn behaviours. CBT views emotional upset as caused and perpetuated by the ways in which an individual has learnt to think about the things that happen to them.

The focus of CBT is building the skills that help a person to reduce their negative thinking, and thereby positively impact their feelings and behaviours. These skills promote resilience which helps a person to better cope with life’s challenging situations.

The Sakura Education Foundation delivers CBT that is tailored at children between the ages of 10 and 18 years old.

The lead facilitator in Sakura programs is a psychologist or other professional with training and experience in the delivery of CBT.

CBT Triangle

What are the children saying?

Program delivery

The program is normally delivered in a group setting.

For chicldren aged 10 – 12 years, the program can be delivered in a variety of formats including:

  • 12 x 60 minute sessions (Part 1 in Grade 5 and Part 2 in Grade 6) or
  • 12 x 60 minute sessions (Grade 6).

The program can be delivered outside of the school setting, including through junior sporting clubs or as a community-based program.