Meet the team

Amanda Frame

Amanda Frame

Chief Executive Officer

Amanda is our CEO and principal program facilitator.

Amanda is a registered psychologist with over 15 years experience in providing psychological services to children, adolescents, adults and families.

As the consultant psychologist for Project Booyah, a nationally awarded and highly successful program for youth who are at risk, Amanda developed an assessment tool which determines suitability, the risk and protective factors of the young person, their strengths and their needs.

Amanda also developed the RESPECT program, which is an evidence based resilience program underpinned by cognitive behavioural therapy which has been delivered to young people in Project Booyah and schools throughout Queensland.

Amanda is a firm believer that all people strive for happiness and fulfillment in life and everyone has the capability to enhance resilience and achieve their goals.

Beth Manley

Beth Manley

Consultant Facilitator

Beth is a provisionally registered psychologist who has been working in a private psychology practice, both as an Intern Psychologist and initially as a receptionist for over five years.

Beth has provided psychological services with a wide range of clients for over three years, with a passion for working with children and adolescents. Beth has worked alongside Amanda in the internationally acclaimed Project Booyah, assisting young people who are at risk, in improving their resilience and providing the skills required for them to cope better in life. Beth assisted in the review of a resilience program incorporating CBT and has created many tools to assist young people to manage the stressors life throws at them.

Beth has worked in other areas of psychology providing therapy to members of the community, including those in the NDIS space. Beth takes an individual, client centred approach and caters her services to the clients needs to ensure they are provided with the skills which meet the needs to improve their well-being.

Taylor Jackson

Taylor Jackson

Consultant Facilitator

Taylor is a provisionally registered psychologist who has provided psychological services with a wide range of clients for over a year and a half with a passion for working with children and adolescents. Along with her bachelor and honours in psychological science Taylor also has a graduate diploma in education. Before becoming provisionally registered Taylor had 9 years experience working with children and adolescents across several roles. Taylor has previously worked providing individual and group therapy from a CBT, ACT and play-based framework to in-clinic clients and community based NDIS clients. Taylor takes an individual, client centred approach and caters her approach to meet the therapeutic needs of her clients. Taylor also has experience providing individual assessments and delivering education programs to young individuals and their carers.