Sakura Programs

Sakura Programs is a leading developer and provider of evidence-based psycho-educational programs for children and adolescents.


Produced by the developers of the highly acclaimed RESPECT program, our programs focus on providing young people the social and emotional skills they need to successfully navigate into adulthood.

What are the children saying?

Designed by our team of psychologists, Sakura Programs draw upon the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy to successfully build children’s knowledge and skills in the key areas of:


Strength and Emotional Wellbeing builds the skills of understanding and managing emotions, as well as enhancing the mental strength required to manage life’s challenges with courage and confidence.


Positive Self-Image and Self Acceptance develops the skills of accepting yourself no matter what unique qualities are present, allowing the acknowledgement of flaws without judgement and negative self-talk.


Healthy Personal and Family Relationships are improved through kindness to yourself and others, which also encourages emotional wellbeing. The relationships that develop with peers, ranging from friendships to romantic relationships is covered including coercive control concepts. 


Communication and Interpersonal Skills are the foundation for healthy relationships and success in life as they build the skills required to effectively communication and interact with others.


Building Resilience provides the ability to adapt and manage the changes that occur in life, highlighting strengths and adopting healthy coping mechanisms to foster growth.


Promoting Healthy Attitudes encourages positive thinking and optimism which allows effective problem solving and the ability to realise difficulties can be overcome with the right attitude.

Thank you for providing this valuable service to our children. The feedback from the students has been amazing and we truly appreciate all that you have done to support the children at Burrowes.

School Principal

Burrowes State School